We all know that Kale is good for us, but did you know that it is actually even better for our little ones?
Prepare this simple, tasty and delicious KPC Puree and give your little bundle of joy the gift of good food and love. Packed full of Vitamins A, C and K together with Calcium, Iron and Potassium, this tasty bowl of yummy goodness has everything a growing baby needs and more!
So, without further ado, lets get to MASHING IT UP!
100 gm VertiVegies Tuscan Kale
2 organic pears
1 organic carrot
100 ml water
Wash pears and carrot (in 2% salt water to remove any residual pesticides) and peel them. Chop the pears and carrots roughly into cubes. Slice Kale leaves into smaller pieces and place Kale, pear and carrot into a steamer and steam for 10 minutes. Transfer the steamed vegetables into an emulsion blender and add some water. Blend on high till the puree turns smooth (adding water to reach the desired consistency).
Allow to cool and transfer into a container. Can be kept in the fridge for 3 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months.
Pro Tip
Use the water left over from the steaming process when blending the puree to utilize the maximum amount of nutrients in this dish.