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VV Team
3 min read
Introducing....VertiVegies' Fantastic Five Mix!Â
Hey Healthy! Say a big HELLO to our medley of Five Nutritious, Pesticide Free and Tasty Baby Greens! This Fantastic Five Mix of VVegies...

VV Team
1 min read
Cheese Smothered Greens
Who doesn't love their greens smothered in rich, creamy cheese? Well, no-one we dare say! Try this heartwarming, tasty recipe and let us...

VV Team
2 min read
Simple 'Pesticide Be Gone' TipsÂ
Pesticides residues may still be present in the fruits and vegetables we buy and bring home. Even though the mere presence of pesticide...

VV Team
3 min read
Pesticide: What are they? How do they affect you? Are there alternatives?
Pesticides are either substances that deters, incapacitates or kills unwanted pests. Although the commercial use of chemical pesticides...

VV Team
2 min read
Lets get our hands dirty!
Growing and maintaining your own edible garden sounds great! Excess to fresh herbs and vegetables on demand is just something you cant...

VV Team
2 min read
Why you should Support & Eat Local!
Singapore does not produce a majority of its food, but that has not always been the case. We still had livestock farms and vegetable...

VV Team
3 min read
All about our Food Security!
Concerned about COVID-19's impact on Food Security? Why is Food Security important? How are we affected? What are we doing about it? The...

VV Team
1 min read
Your VertiVegies Microgreens Grow Kit
Put your green fingers to work and seed, nurture and harvest your own microgreens in your very own DIY Microgreens Grow Kit!

VV Team
1 min read
Baked Salmon with Fresh Dill
We believe that healthy eating does NOT have to be boring or tasteless and this Baked Salmon with Fresh Dill recipe is testament to that...

VV Team
1 min read
Basil Tom Collins
What is better than a Tom Collins on a hot Sunday afternoon? Well, not much to be honest with.... BUT, wat if you could spruce up this...

VV Team
2 min read
Festive White Pak Choi & Cranberry Salad
It's the most. wonderful time of the year! So get your festive mood on with this delicious, nutritious and super-tasty warm salad to get...

VV Team
1 min read
Stir Fried Kai Lan in Oyster Sauce
With more and more choices filling our time, nothing beats having a tried and tested favourite at the dinner table. Every family may do...

VV Team
1 min read
Warm Pak Choi Salad
More than 70 antioxidant phenolic substances, the biggest group of phytochemicals, are found in Pak Choi. The antioxidant richness of Pak...

VV Team
1 min read
Chye Sim and Pineapple Juice
If we asked how you would use the humble Chye Sim, you would probably say in a stir-fry or boiled, as is the traditional ways we have it....

VV Team
2 min read
Kai Lan and Shiitake Mushroom Fried Rice
Craving for some comfort food which hits all the right nutritional and taste markers? Then try your hand at this easy Kai Lan and...

VV Team
1 min read
BLT Wraps
Who doesn't like a BLT? Savory Bacon, Crunchy Lettuce and Sweet Tomatoes are the perfect breakfast menage a trois. This recipe subs (no...

VV Team
1 min read
The Kale-Jito
Thinking of that perfect cocktail to quench your thirst in this blistering heat? Well, we've got the perfect tipple for you to try at...

VV Team
1 min read
Arugula Pesto
This 5 minute kitchen hack is easy to prepare, packed full of flavor and nutrition. But best of all is that this little sauce is so very...

VV Team
1 min read
Roasted Sesame Pak Choi
With only 30 minutes of prep time, this tasty, nutty and healthy roasted Pak Choi dish is not only lightning quick to prepare, but is...

VV Team
1 min read
Kale, Pear & Carrot Puree
We all know that Kale is good for us, but did you know that it is actually even better for our little ones? Prepare this simple, tasty...
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