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Our Group investment into R&D activities commenced in 2012 for open field agriculture, and in 2016 for controlled environment agriculture.
Since 2016, we have applied CEA to the production of Leafy greens, Herbs, Vegetables, Soft Fruits, Row Crops, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants - each having its own unique Research Objective.
These efforts have yielded multiple insights into the power of CEA and how it needs to evolve in the future.
Urban Food Production and Food Security
In line with Singapore's vision of becoming a "Seed Innovation Hub", VertiVegies is channeling its experience and knowledge of CEA and adapting it towards Speed Breeding to develop high yielding cultivars suitable for CEA Farms in Singapore and the Tropics.
High Yield Seed Breeding for Tropical CEA with functional properties
We believe that these efforts will yield dependable genetics that can positively impact the CEA Farming Sector in the years to come
We continue to operationalise our R&D and determine business models that could solve region-specific problems.
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